Saturday, May 30, 2015

Ryan's 2 Months Old!

We made it through another month. This month has been such a long and scary one. On one hand I can say "Wow it's been 2 months already!!" and the other "Can this month be over please?"

This month is the month that Ryan developed Reflux. We've had an ER visit and 2 trips to the doctors (One for thrush & one for Reflux). It's been scary to say the least. However, it's been so much fun watching his personality shine. I've gotten my first real smile from him and even a slight chuckle. 

Since this month he was diagnosed with Reflux we have made a couple changes in how we do things. I've found that having him propped up in the boppy at night seems to help him more than in the Rock n' Play (still love it though!!). It also means less sleep for Momma. I sleep with my head right next to  him since most of the choking incidents have been while he was asleep. Most nights he sleeps pretty well. He goes to sleep around 8pm and will sleep until 12am--some nights he will even go until 2:30am. He usually wakes up around 6 and will cluster feed until 8am or so. In the morning he smiles and coos at me... it melts my heart! He's such a sweetie.

During the day he has been awake a lot more often. We've started to do a lot of time playing on the play mat. He loves looking at himself in the mirror. 

Ryan's eyes are still blue and his hair seems to be lightening up until a light brown. It's becoming a bit curlier as well. He's finally outgrown his newborn clothing and is in mostly 3 month size now. He weighs 11lbs 4oz. I noticed that carter's clothing runs a bit smaller so in some things he is still in 0/3 months. He's a little guy (46 percentile for growth). But he is healthy and growing great.  Liam was in 6 month clothing and weighed 13.5 lbs and was in the 90th percentile for growth. It's amazing how different babies are. 

I hope next month brings more joy and that his Reflux issues are solved now that he is on Zantac for it. He has his 2 month check up on Tuesday so if anything changes I will add an update to this post then. He will be getting his vaccinations at this appointment.  

PS.  Just for fun I thought I would include Liam's 1 month vs 2 months picture as well. He was born 8 lbs 6 oz & Ryan was born 7 lbs 12 oz. I see a lot of Liam in Ryan. It goes by so quick I feel like it was just yesterday I was taking these photos of Liam. I'm a lucky momma! 

UPDATE: June 2nd, 2015
Ryan was 11 lbs 11 oz 

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