Monday, June 8, 2015

MAMBI "The Happy Planner" - Home Planner Overview

Price: $9.99
Where to Buy: Online here, Hobby Lobby, Select Michaels & Meijer Stores

What's Included: 45 sheets and 4 tabbed dividers. Each tab is a different section: To Do Lists, Meal Planner, Household Cleaning and Budget

I received the Home Planner for my birthday along with the Happy Planner from my mom. I was really excited because now I can keep all my meal planning and to do lists with me in my planner instead of having them in a separate notebook like I usually do. 

Like the Planner itself, the paper is good quality and beautifully designed. The dividers have cute designs/quotes on them. The home planner can just pop right in. The planner is a disc bound system so everything is easily removable. If you are going purchase the Home Planner consider also purchasing the larger discs ($4.99) Unless you want to take out some months like I did and store them for a later. Otherwise, your planner will probably be way to bulky which makes the pages harder to turn.

The first section is 9 To Do List pages. Each page is color coordinated with a space to put the date and of course check off each tab. This is nice because some days I'm busier. This lets me have a larger to do list so I'm not running out of room on my planner days. Also for projects-- Like re doing a room. I can make a very specific check list.

Secondly, The Meal Planner. This has to be my favorite part. This section has 16 weekly planning pages. There is a spot on the left to put your weekly meal plan and a spot down on the bottom that is labeled "occasion" just in case you have something special you are planning. On the right side is the coordinating grocery list. It is separated into categories like "canned goods" "produce" etc. This is super handy. You can also remove this page and take to the grocery store. However, I probably wouldn't. I would just make a second list because my lists seems to disappear or get destroyed on my shopping trips. Checking things off with a toddler & baby in tow is a challenge sometimes.

The Household Cleaning Schedule has some listed tasks prefilled. It also
has some blank spots for you to write in your own. There is a spot to check them off for each day of the week. Or you can re label that and write in who is going to do it (Like a chore chart). It's nice that some of these are filled already because it had some things I do forget to do. I do wish it had more space to fill in my own cleaning tasks. This section contains 8 pages. 

Finally, the Budget section. It has 7 pages of monthly budget categories. This section is one I most likely will not be using. I don't handle the bills in our household... My fiance does. I will give this section to my mom to add to her planner. 

The downfall of this planner is that you wont have enough of these sheets for an entire year so you will have to purchase another Home Planner if you do use them all up. It will probably last me a good while though because some weeks I really don't feel like meal planning. 

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